Maths Tutor Barnsley
Making Learning Work For You
Wanting to learn from home but needing a more flexible approach to when you learn?
My pre-recorded lessons offer you structured learning but that can be completed at your own pace and at a time that suits you. I even offer a weekly/fortnightly online catch up for those who want to check in with their tutor... or even just have a chat!
How does it work?
Home Learning Programmes
Pre-built learning schedules have been developed for all year groups as well as a variety of ability levels so there is suitable starting point for everyone.
Each pre-recorded lesson comes with a progress check which will be returned to myself and feedback provided to yourself via a tracker so that you can monitor progress against each topic.
A lot of students now choose to learn at home so whilst I prioritise the learning process I also offer a weekly/fortnighly thirty minute check in to discuss either learning, wellbeing or both! It is important that whilst learning at home you still maintain opportunities to take part in social interaction, even if it is just a quick chat.
Option 1 - Three Pre-recorded lessons per week £20
Option 2 - Three Pre-recorded lessons per week as well as a weekly check in £25
Option 3 - Two Pre-recorded lessons per week £15
Option 4 - Two Pre-recorded lessons per week as well as a fortnightly check in £17.50
Prices are per week.
To take part in our home learning programme or discuss options please use the contact us page.